by John Gilbert, CTGM
- They never tell you what to do
- What books to read
- What decks to use
- What spreads to use
- What things to study
- What to learn
- What not to learn
- They never tell you when to do anything
- When to do readings
- When to contact them
- When to study
- When to meditate
- They never tell you how to do anything
- How to do tarot readings
- How to interpret the cards
- How to treat your cards
- How to prepare for doing a reading
- They never tell you where to do anything
- Where to do your readings
- Where you buy or sell anything
- Where you study or work
- They never tell you who
- Who you can work with
- Who your associates should be
- Who your clients should be
- They never tell you why
- Why you should do something
- Why you're not a good reader
- Why you don't know what you're doing
- They never tell you which
- Which cards to use
- Which way to use your cards
- Which spreads to use
- Which books to read
- Which things to do
- Which things not to do
- They never interfere with your life
- Not your time
- Not your family
- Not your love life
- Not your job
- Not your hopes and aspirations
- Not your fears and concerns
- Not with any part of your life
- They never demand anything of you
- Not your time
- Not your energy
- Not your money
- Not your devotion
- Not your admiration
- Not anything
- They never judge you or put you down
- Not for any reason
- Not ever
- They listen to you and read what you write
- They accept you for who and what you are
- They walk their talk
- They make themselves available to you
- They encourage you to do things your way
- They describe what they do and how they do things
- They explain how others do these same things
- They praise you for the things you do well
- They question you about the things you do poorly
- They answer your questions honestly and openly
- Ask questions and expect answers
- If you don't understand something, ask
- Otherwise you may never know the answer
- The more questions you ask the more you learn
- Constantly ask for reviews of your readings
- You don't improve if you don't know what to improve
- Feedback is our best teacher
- Practice really does work
- Explore the possibilities
- Always look for new and better ways of doing things
for you
- The more you try to copy somebody else the more difficult
it is for you
- The more you develop it for yourself the easier it is
for you
- Do not imitate your mentor, be true to yourself
- Be who and what you are (a unique person with a purpose)
- By imitating others you become less than you can be
- By improving yourself you become all you can be
- Regardless of whom your mentor is, do it your way
- Find a mentor who works for you
- My way is the best way for me
- But my way may not work for you
- Your way is absolutely the best way for you
- But your way may be a disaster for me
- Keep your mentor as long as it benefits you
- You choose your mentor, they don't choose you
The above course outline for the Working With Your Mentor
Seminar is copied here with the permission of the American Tarot Association.
Copyright 1999 By the ATA all rights reserved.